Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel
Reference Number: W2.2
Department |
Community Engagement |
Date question raised |
20.10.2022 |
Week of Area Panel |
12.12.22 |
Area in city |
West |
Star rating applied by residents |
2 |
Deadline for officer response |
Wednesday 16th November 2022 |
Name of officer responding |
Sam Warren |
Officer job title |
Community Engagement Manager, Communities Equality & Third Sector
Title of Question |
Community Engagement Officers Job description |
Issue: |
Request from West Residents for the job description of Community Engagement Officers |
Background: |
This was not included in the papers at the West Area Panel 11/10/22 (residents' questions, ref W3.2) It was agreed that it would be circulated after the meeting. |
Action requested by residents: |
Raise at the December Area Panel if the job description has not been circulated. |
Officer contact details: | 07717303331
Officer Response: |
Apologies this was not attached to the previous AP papers
Action: |
Community Engagement officer JD attached
Start date: |
End date: |